
How to clean white vans?

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how should i clean them there getting kindda dirty but im scared that there gonna get yellow if i wash them with soup nd water.




  1. Put them in the washer, I swear it works. I got a white pair of vans dirty with mud from camping in the rain for a week and they looked brand new after. Let them dry outside in the sun though because in they dryer they may shrink.

  2. What I do is throw them in the washer, then add some bleach.

    It won't damage the shoes, and makes them look as good as new!

  3. exactly what she said. but if you need help getting the bottom part clean I use toothpaste and a clorox bleach stick.

  4. wash them in the washing machine

    if they are tight on you dont put them in the dryer cuz mine shrank just a lil but they still fit

    if they are tight just put them outside in the sun

    it worked for me it even cleaned the rubber part

  5. Try those Tide bleach pen for small dirty spots and you don't have to wash the whole thing.  

  6. First you can put some stain remover spry on the stain part.

    then after that rub them a little with a napkin or something and just wash them if they are too tight don't put them in the dryer

    or you can put them on the lowest level for a while. :)

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