
How to clean yellowed Billiard Balls?

by  |  earlier

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After months of disuse, the billiard balls for our pool table have slightly yellowed. How can we clean these to make them white again and shiny? All I can tell you about them is that they are Belgian made.

Thanks for any help out there.




  1. use t cut, brasso, or any slightly abrasive car restorer

  2. A polisher kinda expensive for 1 set  

    A larger room prob has one ask what they would charge

  3. God, I hope you haven't soaked your billiard balls in bleach yet. Don't do it! Check with the maker of the set first of all.

    I have the same set of (pro) balls that I've had for 11 years.

    All I have ever done with them is to wash them with dish detergent, dry them well and polish them with turtle wax.

    Always check with the manfactuer.

  4. Soak them in bleach for a day

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