So after my fiance proposed he was riddled with bad luck. I finally figured out what could be our problem, and it all revolves around material things.
1. he proposed 2 weeks later, the center diamond shattered
2. His car died after he finally got his financial situation together.
3.He moves in we fight about the wedding, which had to be cancelled due to noone being able to attend. I wanted to just go to Hawaii and get married on the beach, he wanted something that his whole family and friends would go too. 3 relatives came to his wedding and we had 40 guests.
4.My birthday watch broke 2 weeks after he gave it to me.
5.My family hates his and him. My father yelled at him about being cheap.
6.He got me the Supernatural boxset and the first disc doesn't work it stuck in my dvd player.
7. His friend kills himself and the parents ask him for money.
8. His final paper for a class was never sent due to email issues.
9. He shattered his computer screen.
How do I cleanse him?