
How to clear your driving record?

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Does any body knows? I am moving from oh to fl and getting fl license Am i still gonna have all my violations on fl license?




  1. When they run your license your old violation will show. You can clear it by going 2 driving school or waiting 3-5 years (length of time differs)

  2. If you are suspended or revoked in OH, you will not be able to obtain a license in Fl. Your OH license will follow you, the tickets/violations do not go away. If you are suspended/revoked, you must pay all or make arrangements to pay the violations. You'll have to get receipts from each court that you pay a ticket to and submit it to the DMV, oftentimes the courts will send receipts for you. Once the violations are cleared, you will receive a "clearance letter" from OH, allowing you to apply for a FL license. If your OH license is valid, you just have tickets/violations that are needing to be paid, you must pay the tickets before you can apply for your FL license, OH will not clear your record.  

  3. Your violations will follow you no matter you go.  These are recorded in a national data base.

  4. that all depends on the state. Here in california the DMV only checks your driving record in the states you report having a license. Fl being a state like Ca known for transplnts will likely check your records and transfer any knowlege to thier database. If I were a gamblimg man I would assume it was going to happen that way. You could always say you never hada license hope they don't check.  

  5. Yes, when you turn in your OH license for a FL license, your record follows you.  Violations never disappear, but insurance companies only look at 3 years, generally, for minor offenses.  More serious things like vehicular manslaughter they will look at for seven years.

    But the patrol officer that stops you and runs your license will see everything on your record, for them it never goes away.

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