
How to clip a grapevine so that it will continue to grow elsewhere?

by Guest33171  |  earlier

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My mother has a grapevine that is absolutely flourishing on our land. Since it was grown from a clipping of the original vine that belonged to her late father, her sister has decided that she wants to clip a piece of my mother's vine to grow on her land. What is the proper way to make clippings of the vine that will grow on my aunt's land? During what season? Also, what is the proper way to transport the clippings without them dying? (They'll be travelling about 700 miles.) We are at a loss for the proper way to do this since my grandfather made the original clippings.




  1. An easy method would be to air layer it. Take some moist long sphagnum moss (available in most nursery stores) soak in it water and place it around a node (the bumpy part of the stem) wrap this with plastic and put twist ties on the top & bottom of the wrap to keep it in place and hold in the moisture (plant hormone may be added to the water to expidite if desired). It may be helpful to do the wrap where sun light won't cause a green house effect. when roots apear about 1 inch in length or so cut the already newly rooted plant off at the internode (straight stem between nodes) below the wrap. Place in a paper tube or wrap in lightly wetted news paper and mail off. When the receiving party receives they remove only ties & wrapings and pot or plant. The spagnum moss remains.

  2. You can root grapes fairly easily and if they travel by car, you may transport them planted in a pot. If you want to send them in a parcel cover the young roots with wettish moss or cotton, put them into a well closed plastic bag ( to safe humidity ) and then in a padded box.

    To get the new rooted plantlets this article "Grapevine Propagation from Cuttings"

    shows all details and possibilities.

    And here some FAQs and answers:

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