
How to combine a Wiccan handfasting with a christian wedding.?

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Ok, so i'm a Wiccan, and my husband to be is Christian. He knows i'm Wiccan and my family knows that I am, but his family are strict catholics, ad we've been wary of telling them about my religion. We're having a protestant ceremony, as my family is protestant and it will also keep his family happy with the christian part of the wedding, but i'm wanting to include a hand fasting ritual in the wedding as well, but i'm not sure how to combine the two. I'm not concerned with his family not understand that part of the ceremony, but i'm not sure how to blend them together. I've already talked to the Reverend who is going to be marrying us, i've known him my whole life and he's more than willing to adapt the ceremony, but again, i'm not sure where to begin. I was wondering if anyone out there had done this before, or if they knew of any resources I could draw on to help me.





  1. Just a heads up - his family will probably not be kept happy with a Protestant wedding, as those are very rarely anything like RC ones.  

  2. honestly, I never understood, AS A WICCAN, why you'd want a handfasting to a non-Wiccan.... how can a non-Wiccan swear before gods they don't believe in?

    Wouldn't a secular ceremony be a better idea for you, since you're not of his beliefs and he's not of yours? Obviously, you're not really joining within a why not do it outside of religion?

  3. well I'm not sure what "hand fasting" is exactly, I had a wiccan friend who married a Quaker. Think how weird that was!

    They had the ceremony Quaker-style I guess (wasn't there), but she did a Wiccan ceremony a year later on their aniversary. With just the two of them.

    Maybe that could work.

  4. Merry Meet,

    I suggest doing a Renaissance Wedding. This way you incorporate both religions and the family is none the wiser.

    I hope that this information helps you out.

    Always in Light and Love


  5. You're not exactly getting started off on the best foot by withholding your religious beliefs, and it would be very inappropriate to "spring it" on them at the wedding.

    You need to sit down and discuss it with them, but if you feel they won't accept it, then you may want to rethink your marriage - or chose to live separately away from his family.

    Our former daughter-in-law, who turned out to be whacked, is a Wiccan - we actually tried to get her to explain the belief system to us as we are very open about religion - but she couldn't. In the end though she cast a spell that said she should be alone at this time - and divorced our son.  Thank you God and the Great Mother Earth Spirit or whatever.

  6. why not do what most wiccans do and do a handfasting  1 year prior to wedding!

    That way you can do your hand fasting for 1 year and a day and keep it with close friends and family you can tell.ect..

    then do the christian one after that!

    or ask yourself what part of a handfasting do you like best!  where they tie your hands together! if so then make that part of the ceromoney instead of candle lighting or what not!

  7. I'm doing the same thing what parts of the handfasting do you want to incorporate? We just took parts of different ceremonies that we liked to create ours.

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