Ok, so i'm a Wiccan, and my husband to be is Christian. He knows i'm Wiccan and my family knows that I am, but his family are strict catholics, ad we've been wary of telling them about my religion. We're having a protestant ceremony, as my family is protestant and it will also keep his family happy with the christian part of the wedding, but i'm wanting to include a hand fasting ritual in the wedding as well, but i'm not sure how to combine the two. I'm not concerned with his family not understand that part of the ceremony, but i'm not sure how to blend them together. I've already talked to the Reverend who is going to be marrying us, i've known him my whole life and he's more than willing to adapt the ceremony, but again, i'm not sure where to begin. I was wondering if anyone out there had done this before, or if they knew of any resources I could draw on to help me.