
How to come out from closet?

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I'm 18 and I think I might be g*y, the thing is, how do I come out to my family and friends? how did you guys do it? (even though I think my close friends and parents might already suspected it) thanks a lot




  1. come clean to yourself first, then sit your parents down and tell them

  2. Tell your most trusted friends and then maybe tell siblings or cousins first then tell your parents.  They may be upset at first but they will realize you  are still their child and they love you unconditionally.  It will just be a big shock to them at first so expect some tears and then you will probably feel better after.

  3. If you aren't g*y then you have nothing to come out about,sounds like you may just be bi curious

  4. im not g*y but i have a solution.  just tell everyone togther, mabe at a party or something.  It saves alot of trouble.

  5. I wouldn't bother "coming out" until you are sure - for example, you could have a very long bi-sexual period like I did - from about age 18 to age 26, before I knew for sure that I was exclusively g*y.

    Then when you do come out - do it in your own way, on your own time - to only those closest to you who "need" to know.

    Good luck, you'll be fine.

  6. It's rough, and it takes time... I'd suggest you start off by telling select people... get their trust and approval... They will help you come out to the rest of your family :) Good luck!

  7. if you do you will burn in h**l for being guy and so will all your guy friends

  8. well you said you might be, so make sure you are before you say anything.  and if that's the case just be yourself. your family will love you either way.  if your scared then that's a different question but if not just take it one day at a time and you'll eventually look back and notice you've step right out that closet without evening knowing it.  good luck...

  9. 14 year old guy and im bi.i havent told any one yet dude i feel ur pain.its just gonna stay this way too.u should do the same

  10. dont even know if you're g*y...then wait

  11. are u g*y if you are just say it and wait for them to speak thats what i did but you dont have to label urself too

  12. although you think you're g*y, give yourself a little more time with it

    don't come out just yet

    think about it and go over the thought some more

    and then, once you're sure of it, come out

    it'll be hard, but it's up to you

    I've come out, but only to my friends who are girls

    I'm just like

    "Look, I have to tell you something..Please, don't be offended by this.  And once i tell you this, please continue to be my friend.  The truth is, I'm g*y...okay?"

    besides, it might be better to tell your friends before your parents

    they might be a little more forgiving

  13. I would make sure it is what you want first.  I think you know for sure you are.  Take a deep breath and tell them.  If your family and friends love you like i'm sure they do they will keep loving you and move on.  Now, don't expect them not to be shocked at first.  They will may suspect but hearing it out of your mouth will be a surprise.  Don't be discouraged. Give them time to soak it in.

    Good Luck!!  

  14. If you're g*y then get some help!!! g*y people are sick

  15. tell one person at a time . your real friends will accpet it and help you to tell the next. tell your parents last because there opnion will mean the most and you will have already had the expierence of coming out ! good luck :)

  16. you really should not come out until you are 100% sure you are g*y,

    and when you are sure you are g*y i would wait until you are independent(aka living on your own/ not parents responsibility anymore) because if you tell them and they are not understanding than you could loose privileges and life would just suck.

    so yeah that's my only advice. just wait (:

    and coming out to your friends. talk about something that involves being g*y be like " i was watching this movie and two girls /two guys made out" and see how they react. if they go "ew that's gross" don't tell those ones the ones that go "oh really what movie" or something that's  a little more positive .. tell those one's first (:

    good luck.

  17. You said: "I think I might be g*y". My advice is do not come out of the closet until you *know* you are indeed g*y. When you do, you can ask the question again. Good luck!

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