
How to come-out to my parents?

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I'm asexual and I'm 17.I'm also a misanthrope. I don't like man or woman. But I do have fantasy, but s*x is repulsive to me.

I'm a loner meaning that I have no friends and I think I fear intimacy with others. I think deep down I want the human race to die. How to tell my parents that I'm asexual?




  1. be honest with your parents, but make sure that tis is something that you are a 100% ready to deal with. why don't you have any friends?

  2. sit them down, then'm asexual

    just calmly...not like


    theyll go hermit on that one.... try to explain tto them cuz u just might be experiencing identy crisis...maybe theyll understand...

  3. You dont.

    Just cool it.

    Things will come right for you sooner or later.

  4. Just talk with them and tell them how you're feeling. Those are some pretty heavy thoughts and they should be shared with people you trust. Please don't take offense, but I think it would be a very good idea for you to speak with a therapist, and hopefully your parents can help set that up for you.

    Best of luck

  5. Tell ur Dad's or Mom's Best friend i.e very nearer to them to tell ur feelings to them.

  6. i really do not think that makes you aseual .  I think it just makes you pissed off at most people...  

    If you fear intimacy with other and/or a mistrust of others then I would say yes you are misanthrope....

    asexual means you have NO desire for either s*x.  You DO have a desire.  It is one of hatred and/or mistrust..  

    Do your parents really need to know..?  I am kind of person that thinks a person s*x life, or lack there of, is no ones business, especial if you are 17 and/or older..

  7. i do not think you should relay on any answers that you find here for that one.   FIRST, go talk to a professional therapist.  You can normally find one at school.  Believe it or not, they will help you figure out the best way to handle the situation based on you and your family--not just some generic answer.  They will not tell you what to do, but instead, help you figure out the best way.

  8. So just tell them and good luck with your life

  9. Wow. Different question. I thought this was going to be how to come out to my parents that I'm pregnant question. Sit them down and ask how they'd feel if you were asexual then tell them from there

  10. You can't be asexual, asexual is a being the reproduces within itself, is both sexes.

    Get a life...

  11. Your choice wether to tell your parents or not is up to you, if you choose to do so, just tell them you need to talk to them and they need to listen without interruption until your finished. Have your say, then let them have theirs. They may ask you questions, be honest and answer them as best you can so they can better understand your issue and help you deal with it. Parents are their to support their kids no matter what.And no matter what any parent says , parental love is unconditional, some parents just cant express it.

  12. Ah, I think you might benefit from telling a professional counselor about how you feel.  

    No one is expecting you to have 'a family plan' at 17.

    But if your feelings of wanting the human race to die do not change then you definitely need to talk with someone.  You do not sound like you actually want to hurt anyone --yet.  That is a good thing. But you seem pretty alilenated.

  13. You don't have to tell them now. Wait a few years, get an income and move out. Once you are settled in life, if your parents try to pressure you to marrying someone then just tell them then. Or if they are the freaking out type, then just tell them you are recovering from a bad ex or something..

  14. "Mom. Dad. I don't ever want to have s*x."

    They'll probably buy you a new car.

  15. you dont have to tell anyone....

    Why does everyone feel the need to scream about their orientation...

    No one cares!

    edit- if your a misanthropist then obviously your going to be a loner and have no intamacy!

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