
How to commit suicide without dying?

by  |  earlier

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1. hold your breath until you suffocate

2. slit your wrists with running tap water

3. bang your head against a block of beancurd

4. jump from the 1st storey

5. hang yourself with chinese noodles

6. play russian roulette with water gun loaded with drinking water

more suggestions?




  1. Yes. This joke died a natural death but keep trying. A dead star on it´s way.

  2. go to sleep. you are 60% dead when you sleep

    drown yourself in an empty pool

    blow your brains out with an empty gas powered bb gun

  3. If you don't die, then you did not commit suicide. Your examples are flawed in that respect.  

  4. 1. drown yourself in the 3 feet part of a swimming pool

    2. stand in front of a running remote control car

    3. threaten to kidnap yourself

    4. take the dmv driving test 10 times (its SOOO boring)

    5. drink an empty bottle of poison

    6. hit urself in the head with a hammer shaped pillow

    7. set urself on fire by rubbing two pencils

    8. bury urself alive in your basement

    9. chop ur self in half with a plastic knife

    this is nice!!! * for you!!!

  5. Tell succide to commit to someone else :D

  6. beheaded with a plastic sword

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