
How to communicate with dead loved one?

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Pls help me. I got so much to say.




  1. Lolz. I just answered a ? like this. Try to meditate. You can also try to use a Ouiji Board. (Sorry I spelled it wrong I think). Do eitha of these on Halloween or on a full moon. For some reason, spirits are more restless and magic is more powerful on these days. No joke. Good luck!

  2. Have high booze. Hit a speeding train or bus. Then, you can communicate with your dead loved one. The most direct infallible way.

    By the way, what is the matter you want to share with the loved ones?

  3. 1-800-ghostbusters.

  4. Sorry, you should have told them while they were alive.  Take solace in the fact that someday the sweet release of death will come for you too, then it won't matter anymore.

  5. Dear heavy hearted one.  The only recourse is to reconcile it in the only place he left you with. Your thoughts and heart.  But isn't it true that your thoughts were always with him in good and bad times.  So he did not leave that place in your mind.

    But still you want to resolve this.  The only way I can think of is to find someone who is like him or that you are in cahoots with now that need to be resolved.  For your own healing with this situation get your problems resolved no matter how much anger is there with them now.  I'm talking about the ones that are living now.  

    Healing will come somehow.  But these are just some small healing steps I can think of that you can do to help yourself.  Keep the prayers of good people or well wishes of people as well with you.  And know you are not alone.  Others in your family or his friends may feel the same way.  Seek  them out and perhaps you can both be healed together.  

    There is more I could say as well but my time is limited.  Take care and be well and heal well also.  Peace.

  6. you can tell them things but they can't respond. they are either in heaven or h**l so just start talking. just don't hope for a response.

  7. Just talk to them as if they were in the room with you.  They will hear what you have to say.

  8. I know that I have had "visitations" in many ways.  Dreams of a special time or place or When someone says something that reminds me of that special person.  Almost anything could be a communication.  We just have to be open to receiving.

  9. just say what u have got to say to him he will hear you he may not communicate back directly but he knows your suffering right now and u know he will hear you just let it out as though he was right there in front of you

  10. He is with the Holy Spirit and is know all knowing. You don't have to communicate he already knows everything in your mind and heart and will be around you always forever. And don't worry he is not capable of judging you when you something bad. Only God can do that, but even God is quick to forgive when He sees that your'e sorry.

  11. You can't. I'm so sorry that you ended on a sad note, but it's impossible to communicate with the dead. He will be reincarnated and maybe some time in the future, you'll meet again and you can be closer than ever.

  12. I'm afraid it's too late now my Friend, all the recriminations wont help you now, it's just a case of "act in haste then repent in leisure" Don't judge yourself too harshly, many people have made the same mistake as you have, and if there is a God, then your loved one will receive your message of consolation and understand your grief, God be with you!

  13. you don't. their dead

  14. you can communicate with dead soul in your memories.

  15. When someone is dead they either enter into the bosom of heaven or h**l. Communicating or contemplating doing such could produce a psuedo entitnity masquearding as your love one. The bible says even Satan cold transform into a angel of light. In so many words the spirit of the love one conjured up could be that of a fiend. So keep the memories of your love ones in your heart your eyes and ears can decieve you.

  16. You can't. They're dead. Long gone. History. Nada. Nitch. Zilch. Zippo. Goose egg. It doesn't matter how much you "have" to say, it won't make a difference. Kapeesh?

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