
How to complain to the government?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, the government have now given internet providers the power to track what we are downloading in the UK and they can now ban our internet if we download illegal music or videos etc...

Does anyone know how I can complain about this or how to contact the UK government.





  1. The UK government is a dictatorship the was resolved in a question I asked a few days ago. They doing anything they want whether the voters agree with it or not example the iraq war.

    But in answer to your question, I can only suggest going to your local MP or maybe starting an online petition.

    I am writing this bit after you edited and I agree with you. My philoshopy is this if it's available to download ontto my computer then its therefor my property. You cannot own sound or video. Should God be suing if I were to go out and record the sound of the wind and leaves rustling? Or to take a photo of a scenic landscape?

  2. One way is to speak to your local MP, you would need to find out his surgery hours.

    My response to this matter will be to buy my music and then allow my friends, neighbours (and their friends and neighbours) to have copies for a small fee (say 50p) with the potential to make a small profit with which to buy my next CD and start the process again.

    My friends and neighbours would do the same for me and if this was replicated across the country the status quo will have been re-established.

    The consumer will always win in the end.

  3. write out a petion get enought voters to sign and there listen to u all

  4. It's a pity more people don't write real letters to their ministers or MP's.

    I have done it many times and always got a reply. Often the reply is not satisfactory - but at least you have put your point of view.

    Just address the letter to 'The MP's name, Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London'.  You can even get a postcode on the internet.

    Me writing a solitary letter, probably doesn't do much good - but if a thousand letters arrived on his desk one morning, that might make a difference, in time.

  5. So... and I want to get this right ... Copyright theft law has been a feature of UK law for over 150 years. The Government has now cleared the way for those facilitating the theft to protect themselves from the thieves and the legitimate copyright proprietor suing (remember Napster). You, as one of these thieves, want to COMPLAIN about someone trying to stop you stealing ... ?

    Feck me I have heard it ALL now ... lol. Next you will be trying to stop shopkeepers using CCTV to track shoplifters.

    xx VP

  6. Just go to your complaint is in the

  7. if you are very serious about your complaint sit on a hunger strike the Gandhian way. Attention of the government will be attracted. jebamani mohanraj

  8. Try writing to your MP - address is The House of Commons, London.  If you go to the library you will be able to find out who your MP is and who your MEP is.  Then copy in the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street, London.  Much good it will do but at least you will be on record as having stated your case.

    Funny thing is that child p*orn can still be downloaded and viewed and the police have to get someone to report on a member of their family or someone they know - why can't that be stopped and why hasn't it been stopped in the same way.  A thirteen year old girl's parents were fined £3,000 after she downloaded music from the web - they were traced through their IP service provider - yet all the men found out in Operation Ore have not yet been prosecuted, despite police having their credit card details etc etc.  Its a topsy turvey world.

  9. Complain to The Westminster Government and they will palm it off to Your Local MP. Your local MP will ask you to write to him with full particulars etc, and then he will forward the lot to the Local Government Official for Comments. That is the last you will hear about your complaint .You might have provided with your Complaint Photographic evidence, Newspaper Cuttings, Neighbours statements ,and a copy of the laws you claim being infringed ------all will have been lost  & nothing will have been achieved . The only way now is to become an activist and get rid of People sittling  in comfortable Offices ,and posturing for Cameras and meetings ,enjoying undeserved perks and  Salaries with a great Pension to look forward to for just a short period in the Job.

  10. Contact your MP straightaway. His number is in the telephone book. He can put you in touch with a psychiatrist.

  11. email your local mp

  12. Don't bother complaining, this government will never listen anyway.

  13. Easy.

    Is that how we solve the misery of living human kind?

    With  complaint, complaint, complaint all day long?

    Instead of coming up with a solution?

    Have one try it out with mirror on the wall?

    Why not go back to school and learn some more.

    Then come back with a solution.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

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