
How to complaint against bias and rascist academic decisions?

by  |  earlier

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Hi guy, I am doing my MBA and just finished my exams, i failed one paper and my Dissertation proposal is also rejected. I feel, i have been victim of some partiality and racism because one of my colleague, who is white, she didnt do much, top in college, we worked all together and i know about her quality of work and knowledge. In my case i showed every assignment in advance and professors told me its perfect but now at the time of results, its failed. The same thing happened in my Dissertaion proposal, we had trial and formal proposal scheme. I submitted trial proposal of 3000 words, here they passed it and gave me 46% of marks and told me that it;s perfect and didnt give me any feedback, it was one of the highest mark at that time so i didnt changed anything much and just submitted again as formal proposal.Now in results they say it;s 30%, failed. It happened in all exams and course work. I feel that i have been victim of some jealousy or rasicm coz she was always with me in college.




  1. Thats life

    i got poor marks from a lecturer that dident like me as i did not hang on to her very word and agree with her. i thought she was an idiot who bullied people

    there is nothing you can do they will all stick together

  2. Decode this lyrics " Betterman"

    Time will expose on those who short-change in having others living in misery in time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. Bummer!

  4. Request that your papers are looked at again or remarked, but don't bring race into it unless you have some definite evidence for discrimination. Recently in college, three of us took the same set of exams. One of us worked hard and got the marks we wanted and which were consistent with our coursework grades. One of us worked very hard and got poor marks which were not at all similar to coursework grades and one of us didn't do much work at all, messed around, copied off others and did better than the second person. It seems very unfair, it seems inconsistent with the performance and abilities of each person, and it seems like there has been some discrepancy with how the work was judged. HOWEVER we are all white, so we can't bring discrimination into it. This stuff happens, mate, and it is dangerous to assume race is the primary cause without any other reason to know.

    Speak to your professor and see if you can get some feedback. Register your concerns in writing and explain that you took advice in advance of the assignments and were told that your proposal was fine - so either the marking is wrong or you were given very poor advice. Perhaps they have a formal complaint procedure you can use to take action against poor guidance you were given, and perhaps you can get a fee refund and/or a free retake. If you suspect the marks are wrong then find out if the college has a formal remarking and reassessment policy and use it. Ask for it to be looked at by an external assesor, or even pay an external assessor to look at it for you to back up your case. But DON'T assume or invoke an accusation of discrimination as your first response to this disappointment if you can't provide any other evidence for this! This attitude will not serve you well in your life and career. Perhaps you didn't cover the information in enough detail or perhaps you messed up a part of the assignment - find this stuff out first.

    Good luck, Hx

  5. latest news-

  6. If you do complain make sure your spelling and grammar is correct!

    I feel that has let you down.

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