
How to compliment ppl?

by Guest64321  |  earlier

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How to compliment ppl?




  1. Say nice things about they cutlery while grin and winking violently.

  2. as someone say earlier be true, i like the compliment of someone where in they're like doubting about you're faults and asking you why, that like you can believe, but it would compliment if it have been done sincerely not plan

  3. like: I am really tankful to you for these 2 points !

  4. comment on their appearance...the way they handle a situation...

  5. Easy find something nice to say and say it.  That is a nice dress you are wearing. I like your hair. You look so nice today. That perfume smells good. Ect.

  6. How come you have put your question here? It turns up very often in the Malaysian Travel section .

  7. Are you wondering how to complement royal people?

  8. say nice things abt them

  9. Be honest and sincere... And don't say things that you don't mean. Start with their looks , their personality, their achievements...etc

  10. ???/
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