
How to concentrate more in studies,when there are lots of disturbances(both mentally n physichally)???

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How to concentrate more in studies,when there are lots of disturbances(both mentally n physichally)???




  1. While your question is a bit vague, noise cancelling headphones can often help. If you have a DD waiver or MR waiver (or otherwise under medicaid), these can often be acquired at no cost.

    They can also be written in as an accomodation to an IEP (or more difficultly, a 504 plan), though you should have a letter from a psychologist/psychiatrist identifying the need/benefit.

  2. If you are talking about abuse you must speak to an adult. Otherwise I would go to the library right after school, find a teacher that would allow you to study in their room, If you live in an apartment ask the super if you could clean an area in the basement, or storage locker that you could use to study. A friends house is not always good because you tend to talk, or kick back so that is not good. I think that if you have these disturbances it needs to be reported.

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