
How to concieve!!! problems here?

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I havent been taking my pill for like 6 months now and we do it like every day if not 2 a day. im still not pregnant WHY!!!!!!!!




  1. The avergae healthy couple can take up to a year to concieve. It isn't about having s*x everyday, you need to know your cycle and when you are ovulating (try ovulation predictor kits, you can usually get them from the supermarket or drug store). For a woman with a normal 28 day cycle she should ovulate around day 14 of her cycle so having a lot of s*x around days 12-16 would give a very increased chance of pregnancy, ovulation only happens one day a month and that is the only day that a woman can become pregnant. Sperm can live up to 5 days though. Start taking folic acid and iron supplements or prenatal vitamins aswell which can also help. With past experience I have found that pregnancy occours when you aren't trying your hardest, having s*x everyday can lower the quality of the sperm also. With our seccond we tried for 8 months to concieve her and on the 8th month of trying we barely saw eachother because we were in the middle of a move and my husband was working in a different town and that is when we got pregnant. Try not to stress as that can cause problems with your cycle and ovulation. Also when you have s*x getting straight up is not ideal, staying lying down for up to 30 minutes has been said to help:-)

  2. RELAX!!! AND LET IT're trying too hard, believe it or not--been there, done that.  When we finally just relaxed and acted normally..BAM pregnant!!!  We first tried for over a year and then had a miscarriage...a few months later a normal pregnancy that gave us our daughter...21 months later we said, "hey, let's try for a boy"...we got it immediately--the first month we tried!!!  Just'll happen when it's time--you're trying way too hard.  Enjoy one another and have s*x as you always did.  Don't make s*x a job--only to conceive.

  3. Calm down!  Conception sometimes takes a couple of years.  In the meantime, having s*x too frequently can make it  harder to get pregnant, because the sperm count is lower.

    Have s*x every two or three days to let the number of little swimmers build up.  Once they are in there, they live for several days, but there have to be enough to run offense for the touchdown!

  4. it took me about 4 months to get pregnant after being on the pill sometimes it takes time just calm down and stop trying lol i know that sounds stupid cuz your trying to get pregnant but just let it happen dont concentrate on trying to get pregnant when your having s*x just enjoy it

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