
How to conduct a recruiting rally devoid of any corrupt practices?

by  |  earlier

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systems of recruting personnel for the police, mil and paramilitary is corrupt. is there a foolproof procedure that's corruption free?




  1. Well, police and army recruiting starts with low IQ so there goes the foolproof procedure!

  2. corruption is linked with power and the needs one can  be corrupt if he has the power and second thing is his needs but once a person becomes corrupt it becomes his habit and he deposit crores of rupee

    first thing can not be avoided but we can control the needs by giving assurance

    like police chiefs should be appointed on a zero salary they should be allowed to collect any amount from any one but the only condition should be that they should be from the orphans and if they legally married they will be hanged. Than they should be provided full powers to control all the lower staff than the lower staff will be honest

  3. No.And if you think that there could be a way

    then you are living in a fool's paradise.

  4. as far as examination, documentation and other technicalities  are concerned, computerization would help, so that human interference is minimized.

    so far as medical procedures are concerned, even interviews etc etc.  it should be centralized. Maintain maximum 1 centre in each metro...only the selected candidates would be stringently examined by a competent authority......results screened and confidentially...perhaps digitally signed and sent to the recruitment centre.

    well cant say its fool proof but atleast one way to develop a clean mechanism!

  5. You do not speak like an Indian. You should know how to get things done. The whole country is getting their jobs done.

    Curruption is a part of our life. Even your family members, help you because tomorrow they can come to you for help. It is all mutual. If interest is not there, people will not lend. If curruption is not there, no system will function. It is universal.

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