
How to conduct an Army Retirement Ceremony for a Captain?

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I need to plan a retirement ceremony for my Captain. I'm having trouble finding anything on the procedure or maybe something i can go off of. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.




  1. The retirement ceremony is done through the base/unit.  Just have cake and ice cream on your part and it will be successful.

  2. A retirement ceremony for a Captain?  Don't believe I have ever seen one.  Unless his command is planning on awarding him some sort of medal there really is none.  What we used to do is have an evening planned at the club with, (and you did say Captain so that says Company Commander to me), his Officers, NCO's and their families and perhaps even the Battalion Commander and his wife.  During this rather informal evening his NCO's would present him with various little momentos of his command. Plaques and whatever, (I was in more than one unit that presented a departing Commander with, believe it or not, muzzle loading rifles or sabers).  Perhpas the Battalion Commander will even say a few words in praise.  But as far as I am aware there is no formal ceremony that you can look up in one of the Army's multitude of protocol manuals.  Good luck to you and your Captain and please, for me, thank him for his service.  

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