
How to configure computer to act as gateway connected to a router

by Guest65270  |  earlier

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i have a router connected to the internet. i want another computer connected to the router to act as gateway of other computers on the local area to configure both the router and the gateway computer




  1. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish, but the router IS the Gateway in typical home systems.

    Trying to put another "gateway" between the router and the other computers in the system is asking for trouble unless you are REALLY sure about what you are doing.

    Please ask you question again with more details.  

  2. This is totally pointless. The router is the gateway for your network. All the machines should connect through it. Some commercially available routers will cease to function if they see a second router (which your pc would become) as a lot of ISPs do not like this setup. It seriously increase the number of things that can go wrong and they will not support such a setup if your connection fails.

  3. Hi,

    I am not completely sure of what you are trying to do. It sounds as though you want a network with a gateway. Usually the router would be acting as the gateway. It might have an IP address of on your inside network although the outside world will see it as something else depending on the IP given by your ISP or cable/DSl modem. You router will usually act as the DHCP server by assigning private IP addresses for all computers plugged into it. If you have three computers, it might look something like this Computer 1 is, computer 2 is, and computer 3 is This is just an example. I have found a site that has some basics they may be of help to you.

    I hope it helps!

  4. huummm i  don't  have  all the  answers but   all  i can  do  is  offer

    suggestions,   frist   why  did  you  buy a  different   compuotr   from

    gateway ?   2nd   why  not   just  buy  a  gateway  computor  or   trade  it  in  for a  gateway comp.    I  mean it  probably  cost  you  the

    same to  convert  a  comp  to  getway  or  act  like  one.   I  hope this  suggestion  helps.  

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