
How to confirm winning of a foreign lottery at indian govt.?

by  |  earlier

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can u give me addresses/phone nos regarding above question?




  1. It's a SCAM. People are trying to steal money from you.

  2. .

  3. Did you get an email about this? It's a scam- there's no such lottery. If you actually purchased a ticket, then you'll find the contact information on the back.

  4. these are all scams. i get at least one email a week like this from all different countries.  please do not attempt to respond.  all they are looking for is an easy way to get your money or identity and once they have it, its about 99.9% certain that no one will ever catch the person who did it to you.

  5. SCAM!!!

  6. Watch out.  Probably a scam.  Call attorney general in your state (are you USA)?

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