
How to confort a person who is afraid to fly a plain?

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My friend's job involves a lot of traveling. He can't give up the job because he loves it.

Everytime he boards a plain i see terror in his eyes.

How can i help him overcome the fear?




  1. He's a wuss

  2. Tell him to get some help to get over it, you don't want to be hanging around with a fraidy cat.

  3. I'd see if one of his friends was a pilot, who shares your view of not allowing fear to dictate your life.  Or check with the local airport and find a Flight Instructor you could talk to.  Maybe you could even think about getting him a flying lesson.

    Whatever you do, think outside the box.  Fear, although not justified, is still fear.  Acknowledge that his fear is real to him.  Try to understand what it is he's afraid of.  Listen with empathy and understand, then try to be understood.

  4. I was scared s***less of flying until I got on a plane. I would tell him that flying in a plane is the safest way to travel and that you have a way greater chance to crash or for something to happen in a car then a plane. also, most comercial planes are worthy millions, and that they will do anything to keep them and their pasangers safe and comforted.

  5. There's nothing you can do.  He just have to get used to it.  The more often he flies, the more he becomes used to it.


    Don't nurture negative behavior (fear, etc.).  Nurture positive behavior - after successful flight.

    Good Luck...

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