
How to connect RCA Plugs to Speaker Wire?

by Guest58068  |  earlier

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i have a home theater system that has an RCA Subwoofer input,

but i am trying to connect my Passive Car Subwoofers to it,

i have 2 subwoofers, and each of them has its own Positive (Red) Power and Negative (Black) Ground terminals>

the terminals of my subwoofers look like this >

but my home theater receiver's terminals are RCA

i have heard of splicing RCA cables and speaker wire together on one end and keeping the RCA jacks on the other end normal,

but im not sure exactly how to do it

and yes my subs are passive,

so no they are not powered,

help needed!





  1. sorry but that application has nothing but trouble written all over it ! power, splicing, impedance,don't even try ! it is not a proper setup!!

  2. to use the receiver subwoofer output you need a powered subwoofer cause the receiver dont have power in the subwoofer output.

    there are method to power the subwoofer but usually you would need another amp.

    you can read here

  3. Keep the car audio in the car.

    What you are trying to do will cost MORE than just getting a decent sub to start with.

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