
How to connect to wireless network with Acer Aspire MS5640 desktop?

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We just bought a Acer Aspire MS5640 desktop computer with Vista Home Premium. We have got a Siemens Gigaset SE568 router and normal internet is working perfectly. Previously we could easily access our secure wireless network with our laptop which had Microsoft Office on it. Do you need to buy a seperate adapter to be able to use Wireless internet on this new PC? When purchasing the computer the salesperson convinced us that it would be able to connect to a wireless network. I tried the following link: and followed the steps

but could not find the "Manage Wireless Networks" under "Tasks " as mentioned in the instructions. I would really appreciate some advice.




  1. You may need to purchase a WiFi adapter for the desktop, I had to do the same when I bought my Compaq.

    There are different models and types, just make sure that the type of adapter matches your router, (ex wireless g, b or n)

    I would recommend that you purchase a WiFi adapter that connects to the pc and sits on top of the desk, the wireless USB adapters are cheaper but the reception is not as good as the ones that sit atop the desk.

    Hope this was useful and good luck

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