
How to connect wired modem/router to wireless router?

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I have a Belkin F1PI241ENau wired modem/router and a Netgear WGR614 v4 wireless router wired together. There are 2 computers wired to the Belkin and 1 wired and 2 wireless on the Netgear. All works fine except that the Belkin computers can't see the Netgear computers, and vice versa. I wish to be able to share files between pc's on these seperate routers, but no amount of setting-changing on my part has proved successful. Thanks




  1. You are having ip address conflicts. A network should only have one router and if you need more connections, you need to install a hub with the desired ports. If you want to have just wireless then buy a wireless access point. The difference between a router with wireless and a wireless access point is that the WAP does not issue ip addresses.

  2. yeah

  3. 1Verify that your cable internet service works by plugging your network cable into the back of the cable modem, turn off the cable modem and wait about 30 seconds and turn it back on. Restart your computer to allow it to obtain a fresh IP address from the cable modem. Open Internet Explorer and see if a web page loads. If you have success you can move on to step #2. If not call your cable service provider for tech support.

    Step2I have a linksys WRT54G wireless/w 4 port wired network hub, this work pretty good to set it up. The wired part makes set up of the wireless side a lot easier, this requires two computers and that's why you have a network right? Plug into the wireless router in the #1,2,3 or 4 port and type in your browser This should bring you to a request for a username and password, default is admin admin. If you can't find the router from the IP address above or don't know the password (maybe it's been changed and you can't remember) you can reset the router by holding down the reset button for 30 seconds.

    Step3Now you are in the administrative part of the router, make sure the wireless part is turned on and rename the network something unique so you don't look like the other dozen linksys routers in the neighborhood.

    In step 4 I will show you how to secure your wireless network so the world doesn't tap in for free internet.

    Step41. Log in to your router and enter the default password. The version of the firmware or the router that you are using will determine where the Change Password button is located. Make sure you find it. This is the single most important step. Change the default password and choose a password that contains both numbers and letters. This will reduce the possibility of your password being guessed or hacked.

    2. Configure your DHCP settings with only the number of computers that need Internet access. For example, if you have five computers, configure DHCP to hand out only five addresses.

    3. To further secure your router with DHCP, find out the MAC address of each computer and configure DHCP to assign leases to specific MAC addresses only. If you run an ipconfig /all (from the Windows command line) on each computer, you can obtain the MAC address. It is listed as the “Physical Address” and will have a format that looks like this: 00-50-56-X0-00-08.

    4. On a regular basis, visit the Linksys Web site to make sure you have the latest version of firmware for your router.

    5. Your router has a setting to Block WAN Requests from the outside. You should keep this setting enabled because it hides your IP address from the rest of the world.

    6. Within the router settings, you can Enable Remote Upgrade and Remote Administration of your Linksys router. To limit the risk of attack, make sure these settings are disabled.

    7. Enable Logging for outgoing and incoming URLs or IP addresses for your Internet connection. On a regular interval, review these logs for suspicious activity.

    8. Once you have enabled logging in step #7, download the Linksys LogViewer for easier administration of your incoming and outgoing logs. Remember to purge the logs on a regular interval to keep them manageable.

    9. Once you have followed the above steps and hardened the settings on your router, visit Shields UP and run its battery of tests to check how secure your router looks to the outside world.

    10. Don’t rely on the Linksys router as your only means of defense. Install a desktop firewall on each PC that’s connected to the Internet through the Linksys router. A free and effective desktop firewall is Zone Alarm. Furthermore, it is important to keep the desktop firewall up to date with the latest version in order to remain secure in the future.

    Step5In this order-

    Turn everything off, connect a network cable from the cable modem to the internet port on the wireless router. You should still have your wired pc connected to one of the ports on the router, that's ok.

    Turn on the cable modem and let all the lights come on and verify the internet is connected. Next turn on the wireless router and let it get it's connection to the cable modem. Wait about 30 seconds to make sure they are happy and ready to move on.

    Step6Go to your wired pc and turn it on, open a web browser and see if a web page loads. It should at this point and now you are ready to configure your wireless computer(s).

    Step7Turn on your wireless computer and see if it sees your network, if you turned off SSID broadcast it won't see the network but that doesn't mean it's not there. Got to your wireless card settings by entering the control panel and editing the connection settings for your network including the SSID and password information. Hit connect and all should be alive and kicking. I struggled for about 3 days (in spare time) before I had everything working properly.

  4. From what i have read you have a wired router and a wireless router and you are just using the wireless router for the wireless feature. This is a very simple fix i will do it step by step. I will assume you know how to use the admin interface on the routers. If you don't see the instruction that came with them.

    For simplicity of the explanation i will assume the wired router is connect to the internet (aka wan) and the wireless router is intern connected to the wired router. If the router setup is reversed just revers the instructions.

    1. On the wireless router you need to log into the admin interface and disable the DHCP server because we will use your wired router to do that. The other thing that needs to be change is the router ip address make it different then your wired router. If your wired router is make your wireless router that way there will be no conflicts when try to use the admin interface with either router.

    2. On the wired router connect a cable to one of the lan ports and then connect the same cable to a lan port on your wireless router.  There should be no cable plugged into the wan port of the wireless router.

    That should do it basically what you are doing is turning your wireless router into a switch your also bypassing the built in fire wall of your wireless router that way your local computer can communicate freely with each other.

    The other way to do this would be to open the ports needed to use the service you want to use this would be a long drawn out process that i will not even try to explain here.

    Hope that helps and Good Luck.

  5. don't mix up wired and wireless routers, the p.c will conflict with each other

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