
How to conquer talking on the phone?

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It's weird when people call me. Most of the time, I never know what to say so I just end up blubbering like an idiot to avoid awkward silences and feel stupid after the conversation is over. I don't understand it. For instance, when people call my brother, they talk and talk and he barely says anything. It's always like that. When I get on the phone when people call me, they just sit there like they expect me to talk all the time and i'm really not that much of a phone person. What can I do? I don't want to avoid people calling me.




  1. It is ones nature and there is nothing to feel bad about it . You just start the conversation by asking them how they are and similar general questions .As they answer the questions the conversation continues. As long as you find some topics to discuss  you can continue , Then   you can take some excuse . When you feel comfortable to talk on telephone , you are going to call them  your self . Gradually  it becomes a hobby and addiction to call your friends daily .

  2. go automated. you can't go wrong with people talking to an answering machine. :)

  3. If you're not comfortable talking, then lead them to speak.  Ask them questions: How are you?  What have you been up to?

    When they do start to talk, sound interested, by commenting on what they're saying or asking more questions to keep them talking "So what happened then? So what did you do? No way! Really? I can't believe that."  etc.

    Most people, as a rule, want to talk about themselves a lot, and they usually call their friends to talk about something they've done, said, seen, felt, or heard.  Just gently encourage them to continue speaking.

    If they ask about you and you don't really want or feel comfortable talking about yourself, just brush them off with a laugh: "I'm boring! Tell me more about such-and-such" or "I haven't done anything interesting lately. Hey, have you talked to (insert name of person you both know here)?"  That usually will get them talking again.

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