
How to conserve energy with water without turning down the heat on the tank?

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i'm really doing my best to try to conserve energy and to get as "green" as i can, slowly. i know that an area that i need to work on is my use of water. i love hot showers. my husband is getting on the "green" kick too, and decided to turn down the heat on the hot water tank. i don't think i like that, i can make other sacrifices, but i like my hot showers. what other ways can we conserve?




  1. All the other ideas are very good but when it comes to your hot water heater you can insulate it with specially designed blanket made for hot water heatersand if you turn down you heater to 120 you will probably not even feel the difference.  Check to see what it's at now.  Also...FYI; hot showers are not good for your skin, your heart or your lungs.  Good luck with your green living.  My husband and I just recently started turning "green".

  2. 1. You can make a solar "pre-heater" for your hot water. (find various plans online) 2. Instal a waterless urinal for your husband, so he isnt using a gallon of water to flush a few ounces of waste. 3. Get a pump to keep your hot water circulating so you dont run it to warm it up. 4. Use a rain barrel to collect water for irrigation.

    I have some jeans I never wash- I just hang them in the sun to freshen them up and brush out any stains. Obviously not formal attire, but it saves loads of wash.

  3. We are suffering another drought in CA, so water conservation is important. I'll source the link to our utilities water conservation information.

    I also love a hot shower, but having lived through a severe drought I know how important it is to conserve. Begin by timing your shower. If you can cut just 2 minutes it can help, make sure you have a low flow shower head, if you can find a good one they feel great and can cut your water usage in half. Try to find a shampoo/conditioner combo, they will save rinsing time in the shower, don't shave legs in the shower. In the winter try to have a warm bathroom, it's easier to get out of the shower if you can stay warm.

    I turned down the heat on my water heater, it took a little getting used to, but the water doesn't need to be above 120. You should be able to put your hand under the faucet when it is on hot only.

  4. Try This..Its getting Popular by each passing day...

  5. just replace your existing tank water heater with a tankless water heater. You will still get to enjoy those hot showers without the guilt of using too much electricity. And you can enjoy not having as much money go down the toilet to pay for heating that water while your not even using it.

    Tankless water heaters rock.

    Here is one I have:*t...

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