
How to contact prospective interested people lookin 4 gifts thru internet in delhi, but not through ebay, et?

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we have beautiful frames made of wood with pictures of Indian Gods like Ganeshji, Ganesh-Lakshmiji, Shiv Parivar, Guru Nanakji, Sai Babaji, etc made of pure 22 carat gold. it is engraved on the photo itself.

extremely reasonably priced till festival season. we want to expand our network in delhi, prefereably south delhi.

any ideas?.




  1. if you are ready to shelve out some more, best woudl be to get in touch with google./yahoo and post yr stuff as advertisement there... u will get 1000000 of response. YOu must create small webpage of any free webhosting site and list it on google or yahoo. (search for diwali gift should bring you website first!).

  2. Yes many ad sites like yahoo,sify, tell me more abt ur products & its reasonable price so i can think of buying it i am from up.

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