
How to contain vbs kids??

by  |  earlier

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Im a 13 year old VBS leader and 2 of my kids dont stay with my group and they run WILD! does any1 have ideas for me that they can stay with me and they wont run away??





  1. i am 13 and just led in my church's vbs too!

    i had the preschoolers, you're lucky

    ALL of the kids in my group were wild, but they had to hold a rope when we went upstairs or something

    first of all, TELL the kids that they cant be out of control like that.

    have ten minutes or so when you all sit down, talk, play quietly or play hand games or telephone or something. it helps calm them down

    or promise them a treat later if they are good the rest of the day

    don't worry, they are having fun! and kids will be kids

    good luck though :)

  2. vacation bible school?? (what does vbs stand for)

    Well worse comes to worse you can threaten to hold their hands if they run off and then do so basicaly if they are boys or older then 10 for girls they will not want to hold your hand.


    That should work then. Also you could tell them if they don't walk with the group then they can't participate in group activities. If they are really bad you can always report them to someone above you to talk to them.

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