
How to control my desktop from laptop?

by  |  earlier

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I am connected to my desktop and internet through wi-fi router. Is it possible to control the mouse, keyboard etc of my desktop using my laptop? When I view the network places in winxp, I get a message telling me "Mshome is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission.

The network path was not found"

I am able to use internet but not able to browse the files in the desktop. I have already set the drives in desktop computer to shared

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance




  1. start>network look to see if desktop is there if not you may have it set to invisible  or not to show on network discovery if so you need to go into same settings as above on the desktop and set it for network discovery then again you might have to log into the desktop as the admin for permissions too. which you can change the permissions for your laptop to log in   I know this all sounds complicated but reread it  

  2. I do not know what exactly you want to do but if you want to share your desktop files you need to configure both desktop and laptop to use the same name for the workgroup because if you don´t they can´t see each other . After it is done select folders or files of desktop you want to access  from laptop .

    If you want to get control of mouse and/or keyboard of your desktop then you need to access your desktop through Internet connection using a freeware software like UltraVNC installing it as a server in your desktop selecting a option to let the mouse and keyboard be controlled by the other computer (laptop in your case) . On the laptop just install the UltraVNC Viewer. Don´t forget to password protect your desktop because if you don´t other users can get access to your desktop .

    After it is done just run the UltraVNC in your laptop and type user name and password when you asked to ( your desktop should be on and only its desktop visible).

    Now you will be able to do everything in your desktop using your laptop as if you were in front of your desktop .

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