
How to control overpopulation?

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  1. Promote homosexuality, now that may seem broad but it is the perfect population control! but we need to promote the extension of renewing the populace also. We're back to square one! Every man gets a lobotomy and each female gets a hysterectomy. But then we would run out of people. back to square two ! "I give up, what is the answer?"'

    "Keep your pants on!"

  2. Education is the only way to control Overpopulation.

  3. The stupid should stop breeding.

  4. Having children should be considered a negative social attribute rather than a positive one.  Social functions such as the "baby shower", the creation of a nursery, and the preparation for parenthood (usually instigated by the extended family unit) should be routinized through extremely complicated and bureaucratized forms and procedures.  

    All parents to be should be required to enroll in parenting classes, for several years, before considering parenthood.  Such cost to be born by the couple.

    Without actually limiting the number of children that a couple could conceive, the government could demand that each child, and the mother, remain in the hospital for 2 weeks after birth with the entire cost of both the pre natal and post natal care to be paid by the family.  Insurance compensation should be utilized only in the case of disease or extreme emergencies.  And, all families should be required to pay a sizable portion of the total cost of education, for each child, upfront into an interest bearing account administered by the Department of Education of the country of residence.

    The above will not work until the entire population of the world is educated.  And that, will never happen in our lifetime.

  5. War! Duh....

    When we become over populated we have a full scale ugly no hold barred war. Men, Women and Children are wiped out and we are forced to see just how bad we can be. We fire bomb whole city into ash and we destroy the infrastructure that allows for the population to over grow.

    we do this a few hundred times over the next few centuries and maybe we will learn to find a better way to manage ourselves.

    I like one idea where all teenage girls are required to get Norplant and anyone who has an abortion is also made sterile. All prisoners are sterilized too.

    I have also heard some people suggest that only those with a degree should be allowed to have kids

    All these are of course absurd but there are plenty of people who have a problem with it.

  6. Education is the most important depressor of fertility, other important factors in fertility decline include income and employment, social development, etc.

    However, the most part world today does not really face a over population problem.  Except for many African countries, many countries in the world, including a lot of European and Asian countries today have below-replace fertility rate, meaning their population is decline, which is the main concern today in these countries.

  7. contrary to the sardonic poetry by Reformation writer, Jonathan Swift, we cannot sell babies for money/ food.

    Real Ways to control overpopulation:

    -Limit number of children born to one family- already put into action in communist china, goes against rules of catholic church of abortion.

    -Settle new area of Earth- the Earth is 2/3 water, if man was able to live self sufficiently underwater, or on top of it, that would solve "over crowding" however there might not be enough good for these people and their quality of life would be sub par.

    -Settling on new worlds- Mars has a similar climate to that of Earth, however man is still far off from ever establishing a living colony on another planet.

    -Settling on uninhabited parts of the Earth- this is the most economically feasible and most realistic.  While almost entirely explored, the Earth is not completely inhabited, as long as man could find a way to survive in extreme cold, already such as Antarctica and the north pole could be utilized for life

  8. Stop charging people up the wazoo to adopt.  Then they'll physically have less kids and adopt more.  If adoption wasn't so expensive, I'd have adopted 1 or 2 by now.  Instead I must wait five years, save the money to adopt, and THEN adopt.  By then, I could have adopted 4 kids that already exist.

  9. put a limit on how many kids a person could have like China

  10. well for the longest time, china and india had the right idea, they got rid of their baby girls, and kept boys because it was said that boys were better because they got to work, they made money for their families and the daughters parents would have to pay the son's parents to marry him... boys just were good financially for many families in china and india... however, they screwed themselves because not only is china becoming under populated, they have more men than women... it's going to keep spiraling downward. It's never a good idea to kill off baby girls in an attempt to control population; most places have the right idea by limiting parents to one or two children only; canada and the US have it good, not too many people. Most parents in CA and US have smaller families which suits us just fine.

  11. i hope dis could help u........

    1.removal of poverty & illiteracy

    2.empowerment of women

    3.control migration

    4.birth control

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