
How to control pisces?

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my mom is one and she drives everyone in my family crazy, both my brothers have been in jail and i had to leave school , all because she wanted to be charmed and becouse i dind't tell her my emotions , i'm aquarius i don't have emotions very often




  1. There's just not enough information given for me to make any astrological suggestions. I think this is more of chart issues than just a simple matter of sun sign in Pisces.

    First of all, about 'how to control Pisces'.  I would like to say that one person can never really try to control another person without losing a part of his or her own identity. That may not make sense to you right now, but it probably will as you grow older.

    I would suggest posting a new question with your mother's date, time and place of birth. That would be a more practical way to find guidance on an astrology forum. It would also help to have your birth data to compare to hers.

    I recommend sorting out what is clashing between you and your mother, and leave the issues with your brothers for later on. Work on one thing at a time, and life can get a little bit better.

  2. wow thats sad i think you should try to talk to her thats what me and my does

  3. How very interesting.  I understand where you are coming from.  I don't know that this is so much about astrology as psychology.  I am a Pisces and people are forever trying to manipulate, take advantage of, provoke, use or otherwise control me.  To answer your question, the best bet of controlling a Pisces is to let them give you control.  Other options I don't recommend - take control of their life away from them - basically, become an abuser.  Effective, but that would make you the monster you already hate and worse - it could stick.  I do know that Pisces will put up with more c**p because they like you or they want to like you, than just about anybody.

    As for the parent problem, perhaps this can help-  My mother is a Capricorn.  She had very high (sometimes bizarre) expectations of me and rode me relentlessly.  Numerous times she informed me that the whole purpose of what she was doing (screaming, belittling, pushing, suffocating, etc.) was to get a reaction out of me and/or get me to do what she wanted.  She would get absolutely hysterical and I would just kind of sit there and wait for the opportunity to escape or for her to finish.  This could take hours.  To this day she will still sometimes do this... if I allow it.  (I can't possibly be the only Pisces with reasonable control over my emotional behaviour.)  I realized a long time ago that she would not be satisfied because we are not the same person and do not enjoy the same things.  (Example:  You cannot force a person to dress a certain way *and force them to be happy when the clothes cause actual physical harm.)  Not to say that it wasn't upsetting at times or that it never bothered me but there is something to be said for acceptance.  It took her a lot longer to understand that.

    You may not have emotions very often but you certainly have some emotions about this situation and the responses you've received.  As I said already, I understand why.  I don't know that people who have not had that kind of experience understand how much control another person can exert over your existence.  I'm not sure that (ultimately) it's the sharing of emotions she wants from you.  It could be something else - like bonding, loneliness, or needing to be needed .  In any case.  As long as she gets results by acting this way, she will keep on.

    I think the real question is - what are you going to do?  Without relying on her participation (or the complication of additional family members), your options are limited to what *you can do.  Think of it like an oxygen mask and put your own on first.  You can't help others if you're passed out on the floor.  For me, I choose to pick my battles.  I accept that she is just like that sometimes and there is no reason that I have to get upset just because she is, regardless of her telling me that I should be.  She can care all she wants.  I don't have to.  Also, I don't live there are there are very few things she can push me to do anymore without my agreement.  Therefore, when I want to be nice or don't wish to be forever chastized, I do them.  (That's reality and peace and anyone telling you that no one does things for other people just because they don't want to hear them complain later are full of it.)  Compromise is part of relationships.  I cannot change her any more than she can change me.  And.  Most of the time, I laugh it off.  I know how it sounds.  I should be respectful.  But most others who don't see the humour in it that I do, don't see/hear what happened either.  Like they wouldn't laugh at someone jumping around like a monkey screaming like a banshee, making no sense?  Yeah, right.  Besides, who would take care of her when she's elderly if I have died?  Stress kills and I'm an only child.

    Reading up on some psychology would help.

  4. Wow that's deep. Pisces people love to have the uppre hand, so I make them think they do. As far as your mom goes I can't think of a thing she could possibly do to make either of her children end up in jail. you have to be responsible for your actions, if you did something to end in in jail.

  5. That doesn't appear to be the issue.

    **Is it even possible to manipulate someone who doesn't have emotions??  I think not.

  6. Your brothers went to jail because they chose to break the law. You left school because you wanted to. How about growing up and taking some responsibility for yourselves?  
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