
How to convence my mom to let me get a lip piercing??

by  |  earlier

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i want a lip piercing really bad

im 15 and will turn 16

shes not leting me do noting that i want mostly couse im in the punk style and she doesnt agree with n e thing i want

i get good grades and i dont smoke or do drugs nd dont go out much...

she says shes just helping me not look like s H i t and i always want what other ppl have..

how can i convence her??




  1. tell her you'll pay for it and its your body you can do what you want with it!

    thats what i told my mom and she was like 'ok as long as you pay!'

  2. it will look like s h i t.  get a fake ring to put in your lip.  you will grow up one day and hate that you put a hole in your lip.  when you meet someone when you are older and have this stupid hole in your lip, you'll say," yeah... i got a lip piercing when I was 15." what an idiot.

  3. show her you are mature enough

  4. Oh I wish I could help you out.. Unfortunately I'm with your mom on this. I have 4 girls and although I did let my 22 yr get her naval pierced at 14 and my 13 yr old has several piercings ..I just think the lip thing is tacky. I'm really showing my age. It's just that when your older and looking for a job this will really effect your chances. Fair??? no but it is very true..But hey.. you will be 18 before you know it, then you can pierce and tattoo to your hearts content.. then when your 43 like me you can look at them and go"what the h**l was I thinking".

  5. HA..that line "its my body" doeesn't work until you move out. Till then, she can tell you what you can and can't do. i know its the punk thing, and its "fab" or whatever...but you gotta think about it for a minute, whats that going to look like when you go for a job? cantake it out, but there is still a HOLE in your lip!!! And yes, it will make you look less pretty.

    Stop wanting what other people have...thats NOT what the punk style is about. its aboutcreating your own look, your style , your own YOU.

  6. Tell your mom that you will pay for it. Maybe you could buy a fake one and let her see it's not that bad. Or, ask her what you could do that would change her mind. (stuff around the house, straight A's and B's, getting a job, etc.)

  7. WELL, your mom's probably scared your going to grow up and be a punk emo brat, truth is, the more you bug her about it the more she'll probably inforce 'NO'' even more, try showing her your mature e nough to make desicions on your own, have a heart to heart and be like mom, I know you don't agree with me getting a lip piercing, but, I would really appriciate it if you would let me make this decission on my own, I respect your opinion, and I want both of us to agree

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