
How to convert gallons per min. to psi?

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How to convert gallons per min. to psi?




  1. Take a look at  

    It has formulas for calculating o*****e discharge characteristics.  Be careful that you are aware of their use of cubic feet/second, for instance

  2. You can't convert a volume flow rate to a pressure without a lot of other assumptions.

  3. Well, for fire sprinkler discharge characteristics,


    where Q is gpm, K is a constant, and P is pressure in psi.  

    But to give you a solid answer, you must first provide more information.  

  4. A flow rate does not equal a pressure.

    For instance, normal air pressure at sea level is 14.7 psi. Where are the gallons per minute?

    A given pressure will produce a flow rate, but that depends on a lot of factor that are not mentioned: outlet diameter, density of the liquid, and so on.

  5. Sorry, bad question, just think about the units which would have to be equivalent.

    gall/min is a flow rate

    psi=lbs/area is a pressure

    They cannot be converted

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