
How to convert kms in miles. what is global warming?

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How to convert kms in miles. what is global warming?




  1. 1km = 0.621 miles

    And global warming is just a myth. Over the course of the earth's history the temperaure has risen and fallen numerous times. So it's just a natural occurance. Besides in the big scheme of things we're just coming out of an ice age so it's bound to warm up! Al Gore and his vegan mates just want to ruin everyone elses lives by forcing everyone to eat rabbit food and drive around in silly electric cars such as the Toyota Prius!

  2. 1 miles = 1.609344 kilometers

  3. 1 M = 1.6 Km

    Global warming is the median tempreture of the earths atmosphere increasing.

  4. Global wamring is a myth created by lesbians and vegetarians

  5. Just Multiply 0.62137 to convert Km to Miles

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