
How to convince Mom to let me buy contacts?

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I'll be 16 in about two weeks. I would really like to get contacts. I have the money, but when I try talking to my mom about getting some she goes into some weird mood against me and is telling me about the worst possible things some people get from contacts and that they hurt to much.

Any ideas how I could convince her?




  1. that you keep loosing your glasses, and you will take care of your eyes and contacts

  2. I have contacts and they are perfectly safe and SO comfortable.  They only fall out if you rub your eyes hard.  You just can't sleep with them, but you can shower with them.  It takes a few days to put them in, in a second, but they are so much better than glasses.  You see better with them too.  Prove to your mom that your responsible and you won't do anything to them.  I got them when I was 12.  You just need to be responsible.  Tell your mom the truth about the contacts.  Do something nice for her, try hard.  Good luck!

  3. I'd get some information on safety.  You could also get some other adult(s) involved to back you up, maybe people she respects... an aunt, grandparent, your dad, I don't know, whoever you can find.

    That's interesting.  When I was your age I would've died for contacts but they cost $500 and I couldn't afford it.  I think my parents would've let me buy them myself, my cousin did, and her dad was very conservative.

    Just gently, persistently, without tantrums, wear her down.  If she doesn't, make an appointment at a contacts place for your eighteenth birthday (make it a month or two in advance) and just go get them then.  I hope you don't have to wait that long, though.

  4. tell her ur grown up and u need to do stuff for urself

    and how would she like it if she was freaking stuck with glasses foreve if she had the chance to wear contacts

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