
How to convince girlfriend to trim or shave crotch area?

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My girlfriend thinks its not safe to trim or shave down there how can i convince her that it's not?

Maybe some health benefits of trimming or like anything because it sometimes can be a real turn off.





  1. Let's just get truthful here, huh.  You're a pedophile and want her to look VERY young, right.  Leave her alone.

  2. It is safe to shave down there. I have been doing it for years and never had a problem. If she thinks that she want do a good job then she needs to go to a salon that does bikini waxes. However I've been using nair and had no problems I just put it on for a few minutes and then get in the shower and it comes right off. You have to tell your girl it is not s**y if she doesn't shave. Lol

  3. Get your girlfriend to talk to other girls who have shaved down there. It is safe to safe her v****a although she might be scared to do it. The easiest and most non painful way to do it is and electric shaver. Like the ones a barber uses on your neck. If you are really uncomfortable with the hair, tell her yourself. s*x is only enjoyed when both parties are comfortable with their partner.

  4. Simply and bluntly put, deal with it.

    She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to.

    Why do you want her to shave?

    There are no "health benefits" from shaving or trimming, its purely a personal preference.

    Plus you itch like crazy when it grows in.

  5. Your girlfriend is right, It is more healthy to leave the hair. It keeps out bacteria. But on the other hand, with pubic hair, you can get lice or "Crabs" down there too. Maybe suggest to trim or shave the outer sides. This will still leave the middle strip of hair (which she can at least trim) for protection.

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