
How to convince my husband?

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how do i convince my husband to send his bratty kids (3, 5, and 8) away to boarding school? we have the money. but they are with their mom every other month who always reverts them back to their old ways every time she sees them. i am trying to train their kids the proper ways to behave and that children are to be seen not heard, but every time they come back from her place, they act like complete hooligans, so now i need to convince my husband to get full custody of the kids so we can send them to boarding school year-round, where they will be consistently disciplined. i have to get them out of the country because when they come back from her place, i cant even stand to look at them very long. so what would be the best way to get my husband to see that his kids have to go away and that their mother has no business being around them at all, unless very short visits and supervised?




  1. LMAO!  I hope you are a troll and that there aren't really people like this out there.  Sadly, I fear you are sincere.

    Give custody back to the Mom and ask for visitation.  

  2. um.. wow. first of all it is not your place at all to decide these children belong in a boarding school.  and as for calling the bratty.. the one who sounds like a brat is you.. kids are NOT meant to be seen and not heard.. Kids are meant to be KIDS.. they want to play and have fun and for you to want to take that away from them is wrong..

    So if anything you should convince your husband to leave your *** and spend more time with his "hooligan" children.  

    what kind of person are you.. for goodness sakes..

  3. You shouldn't have married someone with kids.  You obviously don't like them.  However, you did and now you have to deal with the mess you've made.  Boarding school is not an option.  You don't even like the children, so you have no business making life altering decisions for them.  If you have the money for boarding school, please hire a nanny instead and allow the children to maintain their current living arrangement.  Then, you would not have to deal with the bulk of their shenanigans, and you would not destroy the children's daily routines.  Also, you can't just DECIDE that the mother has no business being around them.  This is a legal matter and there are standards that have been established for custody decisions that are independant of your personal frustrations.  Stop trying to escape your dilemma and deal with it in a productive and positive way for chrissake!!!  You suck at being a mom by the way.

  4. Have you tried cutting off all s*x, and also dressing up hot at the same time?  If my wife did that, and asked me to do anything, I would, cause I'm "trained".

  5. The answer is quite simple:

    Have the Ex bumped off... If it can be done in front of the kids, all the better. Perhaps arrange for the hitman to say "I HEAR YOU!!!" over and over again at the time.

    Write back and let us know how it worked...  

  6. How did Dairy Queen end up pregnant? Because Burker King forgot to wrap his Whopper. Ha Ha Ha........Maybe your husband can send you off to boarding school......Hardee har har.......

  7. You don't have to send them away. If you are a good parent yourself then they would know how the can and can't act in your house or when they are with you.  Just get full custody of them and teach them to behave. If they go see their mom for a day or a weekend then she should come back a little bad but not to the point where you can't look at them. I think sending them away is just selfish on your part.  

  8. This is not something for you to decide. These are your husbands children with his ex wife. Did you know he had kids when you married him ... were you aware of their behavior? Then this is not a surprise to you, and you seriously cannot think that sending children to year round boarding school is the answer to the problem??!!

  9. Honestly? If you ever feel you have to "convince" your husband about something so serious, then you have the wrong attitude, and maybe it's you that needs some "convincing". You actually do not have the right to "convince" your husband about anything regarding his children. If you cannot accept and love his children as your own (which you may not be able to do, and that does not make you a bad person), then you need to discuss with him that he needs to be the one taking more responsibility in caring for his children and disciplining them when they are with you. If you feel they are not being cared for and disciplined properly when they are with their mother, then you need to address this with your husband, and tell him how much it upsets you, and ask that he discuss this with the mother of his children, to see if they can agree on how to raise their children in similar fashions.

    Those kids do NOT have to go away. Kids come before spouses. Wouldn't you think it was wrong if the children convinced their father that YOU should go to a boarding school because you don't behave properly? You married not just this man, but also his children. You have absolutely no right to demand they be shipped off because you don't like them.  

  10. I think your screen name says it all!

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