
How to convince my mom into using a Tampon?

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I don't like telling my age but I have had my period for about 6 months and I'm so tired of pads! My mom, herself, uses pads.

I've tried telling her that it doesn't hurt. Since all my friends says it doesn't feel like anything. Still my mom says that it's impossible to feel nothing when something is inserted inside your v****a.

And she told me she never tried it herself. I don't know how I'm able to convince her. Cuz every time I try she starts to argue with me and I feel like I'm gonna cry. She also told me that she was my age and get through it. Me nor my mom is a big fan of sports. She also told me that it's not about the whole virginity thing. How is it possible to convince my mom who is so stubborn to let me use tampons? How can I talk to her without the feeling where I just wanna cry?

Thanks! Please Help!




  1. Your mom is showing a fear of the "unknown" and thats what you have to say to her, she has never tried them so how can she possibly be against them, you have to tell yourself that this is something you really want to try, you have to stay positive and strong and determined that you WILL get your point across no matter how much your mom chooses not to listen, theres no need to get upset about it, dont get angry with her just gather as much info about them as you can and sit down and talk to her, the more calm you are the more she is likely to listen to you because she will be expecting arguing, dont give her the argument,  if its what you want then make her hear you!

  2. Well, in the nicest way possible tell her this is your body and even though she didn't like tampons, doesn't mean you'll hate them. If you do play sports like you said, it really helps! Tell her it's your body and ask her if you could just TRY using tampons and if you aren't comfortable with it then go back to pads, but either way this is about your comfort not hers. To me pads are way worse, I can't stand them and only use them when I run out of tampons. But either way just let her know you think you're ready. Also, you can feel it when trying for the first time and it can hurt until you get it positioned right, so maybe she just had a bad experience and doesn't want the same thing to happen to you. And once you get it in right you wont feel a thing. But either way if you think you are really wanting tampons and your mom wont help you out, borrow some from your friends or ask their moms to take you shopping to get some for yourself.

  3. Tampons are a personal choice and it should be up to you. The first time I used tampons I was 13, my mom bought me these VERY uncomfortable pads (some off brand) it felt like I had a huge piece of cardboard between my legs! After that I switch to tampons and only use pads every once in a while. Lucky though I lived with my dad through my teenage years so when I needed personal supplies he just took me to the store and handed me

    If you can not get through a conversation on the subject with your mom, write her a letter. At least then you can plead your case without being interrupted and end up arguing with her.  

    P.S. If she lets you do not use scented tampons they can cause bacterial infections in some women.

  4. Just tell her you respect her opinion but it's your body and you would really like to use tampons, if she still says no just remember it is your body and you really don't need her permission to use them, you could just go out and buy some and use them.

  5. your mom is odd.

  6. your mum shud respect ur decision and shudnt persuade u not to use them just coz she had a bad experience with them  

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