
How to convince my mom to let me mate my hamster? 10 points to best answer!!!?

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It's my birthday on the 23rd and I really want to mate my hamster for my birthday, I have a plan and I have a couple of friends that will take one, and I think my mom's pretty convinced and will let me, but how can I make sure my mom will let me mate him?




  1. idk  

  2. Come up with reasons that you should like it will teach you responsibility and caring not to mention the learning chance and you could even do a science experiment on it!

  3. i think it woulkd be good experience its birth something completely natural

  4. Say that your responsible enough.

    Tell her that you know everything about the mating hamsters.

    - The mom will eat her babies if she doesn't get enough nutrition or if you touch the baby

    - Keep dad away from babies or else he will eat them.

    - Separate the babies when they get their fur (usually 4 weeks) or else mommy might get preggers or the girls.

    You kinda need alot of cages for this really. You need tons of space.

  5. Make sure your friends have the space and that they know how to take care of them. Be in mind that hamsters often eat their young, and remember the babies need to stay with mom for a while, and some could end up being eaten by the mother, but that's just nature.  You really can't do anything to prevent it except seperate them, but that might be bad.

    As for convincing your mom, just let her know you're not going to start breeding hamsters or anything, but you're responsible enough to take care and make sure the mom is always comfortable during pregnancy, and you will take good care of the babies before you give them away. You're going to need to research a little on hamster babies before you dive into this.

    Good luck and happy birthday!

  6. well if she is pretty convinced, then your ready to go! as long as each get a home, you should be fine. just make sure you know how to properly care for them once they are breeded, then its fine.

    P.s: dont sell them to a petstore. they take terrible care of hamsters

  7. Make sure you show how responsible you are and can be.I think like you said your mom will let you.You have already stepped and found out if others will take the babies.Good for you.

  8. s*x is a beautiful thing and a part of life. Your mom needs to acknowledge this. I say let the hamster get it on!!

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