
How to convince my parents to buy me a cell phone..??

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 13 year old boy. I want a cell because lots of kids my age have one and i would just like having it to text and talk to my friends and it would be more convenient to my parents because i can call them and tell them where i am etc... I found a good plan i want for 20 bucks a month. Can i get them to pay for my plan?? I would pay for my phone.. Thank you.




  1. Remember that a cell phone is a privilege and not a right... your parents shouldn't have to get you one just because all of your  friends have one. I know that now kids have cell phones at much younger ages, but also think of the money that costs... $20 a month over a year is $240.. and that's only if you don't go over your limits.

    Since you can't get a job to help pay for it, I'd try offering to go on the T-mobile plan where they can flux your minutes. It's a new plan for parents where they can add or reduce minutes depending on if you're using them, or if you get A's in class they'd add more... etc. I think they'd be willing to do this more because it shows that you know that it's something of a privilege to have the cell and that you'll work for it and appreciate it.

    Good luck!  

  2. How about get the free phone with sign up and pay for the service yourself instead :)

  3. Do they have a cellphone.

    If they do it probably won't be that hard.

    If they don't you should tell them to get a family plan.

    And if you don't mind tell them that they can get some tracker thing on the phone if they go with verizon.

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