
How to convince my parents to get me a pet?

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I've been wanting a pet for at least ten years now but my parents wont let me ge anything!! I'm always angry at them but I try to be obedient and I get everything I want. I've stopped asking for everything I see. My parents always make fun of me in different ways because my my wish. Once, i had to take a very difficult test, and my dad said he would buy me a dog if I got a 99 or a 100 on the test. I studyed 24/7 and got a 98. I want a cat or dog or anything so much that it hurts!! What should I do!!!




  1. Firstly, dogs are a lot of responsibility. You need to brush them, wash them, feed them, walk them and give them a lot of attention, but if you think you are up to it there are a few things you can to do prove to your parents that you are ready to take on this responsibility.

    When you commit to getting a dog, the whole family has to want one. If your parents hate dogs, it will never work. Dogs are a very big responsibility. No matter how much you cry and beg, it's not going to help your parents and change their mind about getting a dog. It is mainly the parent’s decision about whether you are getting a dog or not, since it is their money you will be spending.

    Try telling your parents that you are growing older and are ready to take on some more responsibility. If they say no, don’t go off crying or stomping your feet, that doesn't show them that you are responsible. Maybe you could offer to dog-sit a friend's dog while they go away on holiday to show your parents just how much you want this.

    Most parents don’t want to get a dog because they believe that the novelty will wear off and they will be stuck looking after the dog, so make sure your whole family wants the dog, not just you. Dogs also require a lot of training, so you better be up for the challenge. Don’t let this be one of those times where you get a dog, but you find that you cant take care of it so you dump it at the shelter. You have to be 100% committed.

    Basically, the best thing you can do to prove to your parents that you are responsible is to… You guesses it, be responsible. Get your homework done, get good grades, do some chores. Don’t continually ask about it. If your parents say no, then maybe wait a year and try really hard at proving you are responsible. Good luck and I hope this helps. =)

  2. Pets are all about responsibility. You have got to be willing to do everything you need to take care of it. Well, i would first sit your parents down. Say I really want a pet and I will do anything, whether it is chores or something. Next do research on the animal you want. Research: The stuff you need to take care of it, how much it will  cost, the breed, diet of the animal, what are my responsibilities, if its a dog you have to walk it and pick up the p**p, and anything else you can think of. This will show your parents that you just dont want a pet  you will do anything. After that I would take the responsibilities you aready have like school or cleaning your room and work extra hard, to show you are responsible enough. If that doesnt work i dont know then I guess your like me where your parents just wont get anything no matter what. Hope I could help. Good Luck!!!!

  3. They are like my parents lol. They don't want to get a pet because of the extra responsibility. They said I was like a pet lol because they have to raise me and everything. I would just get one when you move out of the house onto your own because its their house and they go by their rules.

  4. a pet is a huge responsiblity and the best way to convince ur parents to let u get one is to prove that ur responsible. Do more chores without being asked...also let them know how cute and fuzzy the little guy is. :)

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