
How to convince my parents to give me a better bedtime?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13... I go to bed at 8:30-9:00 on weeknights and about 9:30pm on weekends.

Its really g*y because ALL my friends will be texting at 10:00pm at night when i'm meant to be sleeping and they're all allowed to go to bed later than me or have no bedtime

It really sucks B'cuz i feel left out and like a loser I sleep in on weekends sorta 9:00- 9:30am. This is my first year at high school i feel like i should be given more freedom. I act mature most of the time but sometimes i get a bit silly =)

(You really should see other people though...)

I've tried talking to them but they won't listen.

Also i have a 10 year old sister and 8 year old brother that stay up like an hour after the time i went to bed at their age and they go to bed the same time as me now which sucks.

What should i do? I have perfect grades at school and i never act up at school




  1. talk to them when i was 11 i stayed up as late. They should nt care and the summer but for school yea a little but as long as you get yourself up for school and not falling behind i think you should be able to stay up as long as you want Really to tell you staying up aint really all that i dont wake up until about 1pm-2pm

  2. I'm a 29yr old mother and i think your parents are WAY outta control. You are entering high school and cant even see the ten'o'clock hour? That's ridiculous I agree.I would bring to their attention that your little brother and sister have the same bedtime as a teenager. As long as your a good kid who respects your parents wishes and are quiet in your room watching t.v. or on the phone not being loud I dont see why it matters. Sorry kid hope they ease up. I wish your parents knew that they should really pick their battles and this shouldn't be one of them. Honestly.

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