
How to convince my parents to let me go to public school?

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please give me something to tell them.

right now i go to a private school and i hate it.





  1. Tell your parents that you've got to be happy in order to concentrate and make progress. Explain to your parents why you don't like private school.

  2. Since you are miserable at private school, you have to let your parents know that.  Your parents care about you and they want you to be happy.  

    Sit them down and tell them how you feel about this.  Tell them that it is much more costly to go to private school, and you will be saving alot of money if you went to public school instead.  Public school gives you a wider look into all types of cultures, and private school you are more or less with just one group.  In real life, when you graduate you have to be able to work with all kinds of people.  Public school gives you a better background and more experience with the real world.  

    Take these ideas and go further with it.  I think it will help you very much.

  3. Talk with them and tell them how you fell and tell them you'll do anything for it.They'll probably ask something for maybe new rules or perfect grades,but you won't go to a private school!!!

  4. Tell them that you think it's a waste of money to be going to a school that teaches the same exact material as the public school, that you're unhappy and that you really feel like you can still go far in your life with going to public school.  

  5. I had this same problem.  My parents wanted me to go to catholic high school like my siblings but I didnt want to.  Do you believe in god? cause if you dont just tell them thats why. or say that you just really want to go to public school and they should put themselves in your shoes and if they would like going to a school they hate. and tell them that public school is free =]

  6. I would just try to sit down with them and explain that you are unhappy and wish to go to a public school. Tell them why you are unhappy and try to explain the best you can. Also tell them that it won't affect your school work or it will improve because you won't hate it so much. That's just my opinion.

  7. Your parents send you to private school because they want what's best for you. So, you have to prove to them that public school is best.

    What about private school do you hate -- and how is public school going to be better?

    Make a list of the ways things will be better for you and present it to them and be prepared to argue your position.

    But, think about things carefully.

    For example, if you know kids who go to public school and they are better friends than in your private school, you have to delve into how this will lead to better socialization skills for you or else your parents will just say, "Oh, you just want to hang out with your friends and you won't get any good school work done."

    If they're worried that public school will take away your chances at getting into a good college, call up some places you may be interested in going to college and ask the admissions directors if that is the case -- is private school looked on more favorably than public school? Chances are that they'll say it's only one factor and that other factors include the amount of school socialization you have (clubs and activities) plus volunteer work and other areas (religious participation, etc.).

    Also, be sure that you want to go to public school for the right reasons. If it'll give you better socialization skills and more time to be a part of activities and enhance your life, that's one thing.

    But, if you want to do it so you can hang out with friends or because of a boyfriend or girlfriend, then that's short-sighted and short-changing your future -- not very mature and your parents will likely see right through it, as they should.

  8. u should be happy to go to private school, so you can feel better than the bums at the Public school leeching tax dollars.

  9. Just try talking to them sit down with them and tell themm that all schools are the same and show them that you are reponsible enough for a good and well educated public schools.

  10. Use logic :D

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