
How to convince my parents to let me wear makeup?

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im 15.

gonna be 16 in 4 months and my parents have a problem with me wearing makeup.

im in high school and i really dont think its a big deal anymore..

how can i convince them to let mee?

anyways to approach it?

ive been hiding it since 8th grade and im sick of it.

please help!

and dont tell me to wait and not wear makeup because my parents are right

and i dont wanna sneak it anymore so please dont suggest that eitherrr.




  1. well i started wearing makeup when i was 12 but i but it on very lightly

    but you are still a little young but when your 16 tell them that you are old enough to wear makeup. hope ths helped

  2. Ask if you can wear naturally applied make-up. Good luck!

  3. Hm, sounds like a jam. Basically, I would ask them WHY they don't want you to. You're too young? Ask when your mom started wearing make up, or simply, Why is 15 too young? Most girls have worn make-up for years before 15. Its too expensive? Offer to buy the makeup. Its bad for your skin? Say you'll get a good face wash

    It'll be important for you to find them at a good time when you can have an open, mature conversation about it. Don't whine or complain to much, try to stay positive and have reasons to back up your request, or the conversation will go no where fast.

    If worst comes to worst and you cannot convince them (b/c if they won't budge, and you don't want to keep sneaking it, you're kind of in a jam), try to compromise. Ask if 16 is a good age, or when you will be able too. Tell them this is really pretty important to you, and that you disagree with their decision.

    I wish you the best, and I hope this advice helped somewhat!

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