
How to convince my parents to stretch my ears?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and I already have them at a size 8, I'm just worried that when I move to the next size they will notice and be mad. I need a good argument to have them... please help.




  1. Do it. When and if they get mad say "My body, my life." Simple as that.

  2. If you want your parents to accept your stretched ears then have a mature discussion with them about why you want to do it, as opposed to doing it anyway and have them notice and get all angry at you. Let them know that stretching doesn't have to be permanent, and that if you wanted you could let your ears heal back down to "normal" in the future if you wanted. Point out that it's not as though you're getting a new piercing entirely, you're just enhancing the ones you already have. And admit to having already stretched them to a size 8, but show them how it hasn't harmed your ears at all and they'll see that a little more won't hurt. Hopefully they'll see how you've thought it all out and are mature and capable enough to make up your mind about your body.

    Oh, and obviously avoid the whole "my friend's parents let him/her have it done!" argument at all costs, that never goes down well :)

  3. Well I have size 26 ears and I've got to tell you: best ears of my life. Pshh size 8?


  4. It may be your body but until your 18 your still under your parents law. Also you might want to think about it before you stretch your ears out to much and you will need surgery to make them small again.  

  5. So anything bigger then 8 is starting to get kinda big but as long as you don't get the gauges that are hollow you'll be fine. When I first started everyone thought i just had big earrings in. Once I got the hollow gauges everyone noticed. As long you don't get too big I'm pretty sure you can get away with it. And if your parents do find it just say you can take it out... Thats what I did.

  6. Let me ask YOU a question, why do you want to stretch your ears GIRL???  And size 8 something has gone wacko!!!!

    U might look like an ELF!!!! LOL, better get ready for Santa Claus <3

  7. say its your body and youre parents cant tell you what you can and cant do with it.

  8. Let my mom do it for you. She'll pierce them with her bare fingernails to.  

  9. Like the person said,

    Anything hollow will show.

    Get solid plugs. That is your best bet.

    Its hard to convince a parent to let you!

    My mom disapproves of mine also, but i also don't live w/her.

    Use your hair as a cover up  :] :]

    It works.

    Heres what mine look like..

    (Majority of the time people can't even see them because of my hair)

    Im at 5/8ths..

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