
How to convince parents?? Please help!!?

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There is this trip through my school this spring break to Costa Rica, and my friend and I REALLY want to go together!! My parents said that it is un unbelievable chance, and that I could go, but we just need more information.

On the other hand, my friend's parents are on the no side! She has tried:

-Making a powerpoint

-Emailing her mom the trip itinerary

-Writing her parents a letter


Her mom is even coming to talk to my mom, but they are still saying no!! I don't see what the problem is, because:

-Money is not an issue, because we are going to do as many fundraisers as possible!

-The trip is through school and has chaperones.

-Costa Rica can be even safer than Mexico.

-We are mature responsible teens.

-We do good in school and never get in trouble.

What could be the problem? How do we convince her parents? Please help! Only positive answers please!




  1. The problem is no teen knows enought to make good decisions without supervision, and supervision on teen trips is always inadequate.

    Trips abroad are very risky and it is your parent's responsibility to keep you safe.

    You may imagine you know what happens on teen trips, but your parents KNOW what happens on teen trips.

    A kidnapped teen grrl can be sold for over $100,000. to slave traders.

  2. Im going to London in April with my school and my friends parents said no so Im kinda in the same situation as you! But the difference is my friend doesnt really care!

    I would ask your mum to try her best to convince your friends mom and also get your friends to moan on and on about it!

    Also tell your friend! That when ever her parents ask her to do something to say "Only if you let me go to Costa Rica" and tell her to keep asking them why why why why why why!! Hopefully they will get sick off her nagging and she will be aloud go!

    Oh and get her to tell her parents that if she when she would be soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!

    Good luck!!


  3. Be Polite and give good arguments.;...

  4. I guess they wouldn't want you to go because they believe it's unsafe.

    Trust me, begging does not help.

    Keep being mature, don't act immature. Be polite, and ask why they

    feel that way.

  5. You can't convince them, the answer is already no. You've given them the information and they have said no.

    Saying that Costa Rica is safer than Mexico is nothing great...Costa Rica is VERY dangerous. Even if you do fundraisers it is still expensive.

    I went to Greece in April on a school trip (for 9 days). My parents agreed that it was a once in a lifetime experience (and it was), but said no, it cost too much ($2700). I was disappointed, but accepted it. This was in October 2006 (the trip was in April 2008). I decided that maybe if I paid for part of it myself, I might be able to go. I collected pop bottles and cans from people in my neighborhood and from people at school. By December I had collected nearly $400. Every time I collected bottle receipts, I went to the Information desk at the store and got the money from the receipts. For Christmas, I put all the money I had collected (plus $100 of my own that I was putting in) in a box and wrapped it, and gave it to them. They said that I had passed their test, and that I could go. They were waiting to see if I was interested enough in the trip that I was going to take the initiative to collect some money for it. I did, and they pulled out a box from behind the tree--I opened it, and inside were the registration papers for the trip. They let me keep the money and I used it as my spending money while I was over there. It was an amazing trip.

    Begging won't work. She has to take the initiative.

    EDIT: Amanda-Lee Delaney, that's NOT the way to go on the trip. That's a way to be a spoiled kid and get slapped across the face by your parents...

  6. They probably just don't want their daughter to be away from them.

  7. her parents probably dont want her to go because she is just a teenager.  "mature and responsible teens" no one believes that, no matter who you are.

    her parents are scared or something, if they say no, thats it.

    just because you are gonna do fundraisers doesnt mean anything, it just means you have extra cash with you. you still need money for alot of different things. that money will most likely not cover it.

    there are alot of things that could go wrong, or could get messed up.

    its just her parents choice.

  8. Find out why her parents don't want her to go.  Here are some things to consider.

    1.Just because you think you can raise the money doesn't mean it will happen.  My kids have participated in expensive trips and done fundraising, but inevitably the parents end up writing a big check at the end.  And the fundraising doesn't cover personal spending money, which can be a lot.  Your friend should have a plan for coming up with some extra money by then.

    2. Just because you think Costa Rica is safe doesn't mean her parents agree.  They may have heard of incidents where young women have disappeared or been harmed during group trips and may just be too afraid to let her go.  There may be nothing you can do to convince them otherwise.  But it might be worth getting some official information on safety risks there and also asking your teacher to talk to her parents about how the group will be supervised and protected.

    3. If your friend's parents still say no, you may have to accept that and decide if you want to go anyway.  As you said, it is a wonderful learning opportunity and it will be a trip you'll never forget. I would encourage you to go either way.  But if you just can't go without her, remember that there will be other opportunities to travel and study abroad, especially if you go to college. It won't be the end of the world if you miss this one.  

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