
How to convince parents to let me get a bird? (Or a ferret?)?

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I want to get a pet bird or ferret but my parents are stubborn about it. I have tried typing up reasons of why I should get it, I've tried saving up money and showing them I can buy everything for it, I've even tried taking care of other pets so they can see I'm responsible! Any other suggestions? THNX in advance...




  1. You can tell your parents that birds are very low maintenance.  You just need to keep fresh water and food in there and millet.  You also need to play with it 30-40 minutes a day.  Birds are the easiest animal to care for.  I would also suggest a cockatiel because they are very sweet and unique.  Good luck and I hope you get a bird!

  2. one thing never cry about it if you have parents that get peod when you whine. I convinced my mom and dad to get them by researching them for a few hours and i figured out parakeets are not smelly birds and you can make them quiet by putting a thick blanket over them so they think it is dark. You should start researching about how it will not really affect your mom and dad. Also you should start telling them everything about the animal you want and research them really diligently and they might let you have a bird.

  3. Well for starters, how about trying the following:

    #1 Cleaning your room and making sure that it STAYS clean and tidy.

    #2 Making sure that your homework is done and handed in on time.

    #3 Sweep the floors in the living room and kitchen without your parents asking you to.

    #4 Wash and/or dry the dishes.

    #5 Do not fight and argue with your sisters & brothers.

    #6 Eat what you are given and don't whine or make "yuck" faces when given it.

    #7 Don't talk rudly to adults

    #8 Always share with other kids.

    #9 Go to bed when you are told to.

    #10 Research the pet and breed you want to be 100% certain that it is the right one for you.

    # 11 Ask them about getting this new pet in a nice way and don't beg and whine about it.

    If 100% sure that if you give those a try, they will see that you are serious about wanting to add a this pet to your life and family. :)

  4. Your parents may not want to take care of this pet if you get tired of it or have to provide for this pet. If you are old enough to get a job then bring up that point and get a job. You will be able to provide for this animal. Go on petco or petsmart website and go online shopping and buy all of the things that it needs. Then add the price of the animal and come up with a price. I did the same thing and now I am getting a pet when I come back from vaction!!!

  5. Ask your parents for a horse. They will get so tired of you asking for a horse and compromise by letting you get a small pet. At least that is what my daughter did.

  6. Here's what I would do (which did work for getting a pet rat back when I was a kid; I wasn't trying for anything more):

    1.  Be completely responsible in every way.

    This means never breaking curfew, always doing your homework, always doing your chores, etc.  If you say you'll do something, you do it.  

    2.  Excel at school.

    I don't know what level of student you normally are, but getting better grades or winning awards can often make your parents want to reward you.

    3.  Show care for other animals.

    You're already doing this.  Keep up with it!  It doesn't hurt to volunteer at a local shelter or humane society to show your commitment, either.  

    You can also prove your care by doing lots of research.  Show your parents that you're taking the time to learn about ferrets/birds.

    4.  Figure out what the underlying issue is.

    For my family, my desire for a pet was held back by the fact that my father was allergic to everything furry.  A short-haired rat was a compromise that worked out for us for a while.  (I did end up having to give up the rat, because my father was waking up in the middle of the night unable to breath.  It was a good try, though.)

    For your family, they could be worried about vet bills, cleanliness, damage to property, who knows.  Figure out what it is and find a way to solve that problem.  For example, if they're worried about the pet damaging property, you can research how to protect the home and how to train the pet.

    Maybe smell is the problem.  Ferrets are known as "smelly" creatures.  While they do have a smell to them, a clean cage with regular bedding/litter changes causes no more smell than a cat or a dog.

    5.  Money can still be an issue.

    You live at home with your family, which says that you're probably underage for a real job.  I don't know about bird costs, but ferrets can end up being decently expensive.  Expect to drop $400 when you adopt the ferret and buy the cage and other basic supplies.  Month to month isn't so bad, but vet fees can pile up.  They need yearly check-ups, vaccinations, and usually require at least one surgery during their lifetimes.

    You've saved up money, but can you support the month-to-month costs and the vet visits?  Be ready to present an actual finance plan, including every single thing a ferret will need--or a bird.

    6.  Try making a deal.

    Get straight A's, you get a pet.  Do extra chores for a month (and keep doing them once you have the pet), get a pet.  Do volunteer work, get a pet.  Whatever will work with your parents, whatever they want you to do that you aren't doing already, that's what you go for.  Make sure it's something that is worth the pet, though!

    7.  Make sure that they know you will care for the pet properly.

    Offer to make a "pretend" cage for your bird or ferret, and "care" for it for a week or even a month.  For a ferret, it could be the sort of thing where you empty a litter box, change out water and food, and then spend at least an hour doing something you wouldn't normally do (to pretend like you're "playing" with the ferret--ferrets need more out-of-cage time than this, but an hour of active play with you is enough; you can just keep an eye on the ferret the rest of the time).

  7. beg and cry

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