
How to convince parents to let you go on school trip??

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Okay, there is this school trip over spring break at our school to Costa Rica, and I am just DYING to go with one of my friends!!!! My parents already approved, but her parents are still on the no side!! She has showed them a Powerpoint, wrote a letter, and begged them, but they still say no! How can we convince her parents that we are responsible and old enough (will be 14) to travel out of the country without them?

Okay, this question is not for me it is for a friend, but I would still appreciate the help!!!




  1. 14 aint really old enough to travel to be honest yr still kids.

    point out the educational points of the trip and how it will help with your studies, not how much fun it will be. and how it will mean they get a few days without her sulking around the house

  2. If money is not an issue then tell your friend to portray how responsible she is, for an example doing chores without being asked, or being nice to her siblings.

    Positive phone calls home from teachers is also a good thing.

    (I have had to do these things several ways to be able to travel, it works)

    I find the letters really do help.

    Good Luck!

  3. I'm guessing that this trip costs the traveler some money - probably not a small sum, either.  It's entirely possible that they can't afford it.

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