
How to convince principal to to change class?

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My son is in a class and one of his best friend has an hearing implant on both ears. My son who usually is selfish and self centered has really done a turnaround and actually care for some other than himself and put his friends needs above his own. I just found out they will not be in the same class together? I know that this friend helps my son in school as he feels happy and confident. What can I do to convince the principal to put my child together with his friend. P.S. the parents of this child believe that my sons helps him as well. I really feel that his friend levels him out as he is a very energetic child and his friend levels him out.




  1. Aww that sounds like a cute friendship.

    I'm not an expert but I would organise a meeting with the principal, perhaps bringing the other boy's parents along too. Just tell him the story and why it would be beneficial for the boys to be in the one class.

    However if the principal says no you'll just have to accept it. They can still stay friends and will make new friends too. They'll see each other at lunch time aswell!

  2. Well, have a chat with the principal and leave it up to them.  They have many things to consider when placing kids in classrooms and they simply may not be able to accommodate you.  If that is the case, then be sure and get the boys together as much as possible after school so they can continue to be good influence on each other.

  3. have a meeting with the pricipal and share all of this with him-- dont call, in person is better-- he can see the look on your face and stuff!

  4. You can't keep these two together for the rest of their school years.  They need to learn to socialize with other kids just like they've learned to socialize appropriately with each other.  Its highly likely that their friendship will continue even though they aren't in the same class.

  5. Please talk to his teacher before you go to the principal.

    Ask the teacher if she recommended his placement with a specific teacher and why. He might have been assigned to that teacher because the school staff believes the teacher is best for your son.

    The other child may have learning needs that are best matched with a different teacher which is why they are in different classes.

    (For example, if your son is really good at science then he might be assigned to a teacher who is crazy about science and will really accelerate his progress.)

    It could also be that your kid is an easy kid to place (not all kids are easy) and it doesn't matter which teacher he has and they didn't consider the friendship issue. If that is the case then explain the situation and ask if you can have him moved and how to go about it.

    BTW You might want to talk to the other parents before the teacher and see what they think.  There is a possibility that the school is splitting the kids on purpose for some reason---like they want the kids to make other friends.

    Yeah, that sounds dumb but when one of my kids was in 5th grade they changed the class groupings twice before Christmas. When I asked why they  were shuffling the kids around they said it was so the kids could make new friends.

    Good luck!

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