
How to cook an already cooked ham. ?

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It's about 2 pounds. i don't want to dry it out. I have never cooked a ham before. Also any good ideas for sides?




  1. You can just heat it back up in the tin foil wrapper that it came in.  It should already have a glaze and seasonings on it ....... Baked sweet potatoes or sweet potato casserole are perfect with ham ... steamed asparagus ... fresh baby greens salad with drained mandarin oranges and Balsamic vignarette dressing

  2. You are just reheating it.  Try a preheated 325 or 350 degree oven for 30 to 45 minutes.  The key is to baste it with a glaze for added flavor.  Try searching  Enjoy!

  3. Hmmm.... 2 pound ham... must be boneless... is it?

    Since the ham is cooked, you just want to warm it up gently.  You don't need to blast it with heat so I'd suggest 275F for about 30 minutes... The rule of thumb is 15 to 20  minutes per pound at 275F.

    If you have a thermometer, heat until the internal temperature is 140F.


    Soft brown and serve rolls (served with butter, of course)

    Green beans cooked with bacon or glazed carrots (or some type of veggie)

    Scalloped potatoes or some type of cheesy potatoes (Maybe easier to make mac and cheese).

  4. slice it and microwave it

  5. lots of ways to cook it, but basically all youneed to do is heat it if you want to eat it hot.  If you are maiking ham salad or anything like that, you do not have to cook it at all.  Following is one way to cook that ham

    lay ham in a baking dish.  slather with your favorite mustard then pack brown sugar all over it. It will stick to the mustard.  the sugar should be about 1/3 tp 1/2 inch thick.  cover and bake for 1 hour, or till hot inside.

  6. You can grill it on low heat and put a glaze on it. That will add extra flavor without drying it out.

  7. place it into boiled water and take it out in like half a mintue

    (don't bother turning on the fire)

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