
How to cook the perfect steak?

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I like my steak medium rare, quite pink in the middle and with abit of blood still in the meat but every time I try to cook it I end up under cooking or overcooking. I generally buy porterhouse and rib eye steaks, what is the recommended cooking time for each side to accheive this?




  1. Whatever you do, only turn it over once!

    it keeps all the flavour in, and lets the juices soak to make it staste good

  2. there was a three minite rule that i heard of. its when you cook the meat on one side for three minutes and then flip it over for another 3 minutes. i am not too sure if that is the time to make it well done though. but if it is, we should just tweak the time to a few minutes less to get a medium rare.

  3. That all depends on how you cook it and how high the heat is.  If you take your thumb and first finger, relaxed position, this is rare.  If you close them, that's medium rare.  If you press them together that's medium to well done.

    I like mine marinated with soy and cooked on a charcoal grill.  I sear both sides then close up the kettle with the meat off the heat.  I only put charcoal on one side, so the radiant heat continues to cook once the kettle is closed completely.  Also gives a smoky flavor.

  4. About 3 minutes per side at medium high heat for a 12 0unce steak.

    Put your hand in a  soft fist and touch the muscle between the thumb and forefinger. That soft would be rare when touching the meat. The firmer the meat feels the more done it is. Practice makes perfection.

  5. 3 minute rule is a good one..I like the grill or pan really hot so it sears in the juices...also never EVER never ever turn that steak more than once...let rest for another 5 minutes so that the juices don't all run out...if you press the meat with your finger and it's still spongy that's ok cus it will cook a bit more after you take it off the grill/pan while it's resting...mmm happy steak eating!

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